Wednesday, 17 August 2011


If it’s not you, I can’t
If it’s not you, I don’t want anything else.
Why am I still like this?
Why did you still take my hand?
How did it end up to this?
How is it like this?
You can’t do this.
You know that
I can’t feel anything, like this.
Your love is a lie.
I’m going to miss your lies.
Come back again, your lies.
All of them, nothing but lies.
Protecting your lies.
Without you and your lies, I cannot live.
If you’re going to leave like this,
Why did you still make that promise to me?
It used to be love.
Love that has gone cold.
You’re very mean.
You’re very bad.
That’s why I end up crying this way.
Your love is a lie.
I’m going to miss your lies.
Come back again, your lies.
All of them, nothing but lies.
Protecting your lies.
Without you and your lies, I cannot live.
If you’re going to leave like this,
Why did you still make that promise to me?
Get out, your lies.
I won’t look back at all your lies.
I won’t look for them again, your lies.
All of them.
I’ll forget the lies.
Our end has come, through your lies.
I won’t think of it again,
Because without you, I can’t be anything.

anak tenggiling tidur mati, komen/like-lah kalau baik hati :)

Sunday, 7 August 2011

no title

Assalamualaikum...err, ari ni aku teringin nk update. takde bende nak buad wlaupun sebenarnye aku ade hw but aku nk update jugak =.= hmmm ari ni ttbe jek aku takde mood. nape ha? ggrr! benci betullah. dah lah malas nk ctew pasal mood yg hilang tuh. haha ==''

S K Y P E ---> sekarang biar aku ctew pasal ny pulak. haha. agak2 nye dah bape lame aku tak on skype ek ? ntahlah. dulu bukan main lagi asik2 on skype xDD buad call ngn membe2 aku. n yg paling tak boleh miss main boling kan. haha xDD huuu~ ttbe rase rindu mase tuh -.-'' celoteh sane sini. mybe ke sebab busy? *err...aku rase fb aku selalu on jek -.- tp klu aku on skype sekarang ny pun bukan ade membe nk chat kan. aku sorang2 jek nnt *motif on skype sorang2 ? -.- err...arap2 lah nnt ade mase, time cuti ke dpt aku chat ngn membe2 skype aku tuh. haha ;D

oke lar. smpai sini jelah dulu. tak byk topik aku nk ctew sekarang ny. lgpun ngh dlm usaha nk dpt kan mood balik ny. haha =.=


anak tenggiling tidur mati, komen/like-lah kalau baik hati :)

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Don't Love Me

I must go; it pains me to leave you
Can you see all the tears in my heart?
I will try my best somehow to be strong
Even though I know I must go
Please don’t cry; forgive me for the pain
That I’ve caused; my whole world is breaking
My heart hurts; I willed myself to take a step
I had no choice but to leave you standing there
If you ever love again
I just don’t know what to do
It hurts even when I take a breath
But if it means that you can somehow forget
The pain and find happiness again
Then I know it’s better for me to let go
So afraid of living without love
All I see around are your shadows
I guess I must face this overwhelming pain
Knowing that I still long for you night and day
Just once… Just once more
Can’t we… Can’t we try?
Crying out like a fool to myself
If you ever love again
I must face reality
But I’m hurting so much, I can’t see
But if it means you have a reason to smile
I am willing to bear all the pain
For your sake, I will do anything for you
I love you
p/s:miss Lee Hong Ki so muchh lahh >< 

anak tenggiling tidur mati, komen/like-lah kalau baik hati :)

Friday, 5 August 2011

sushi ^^

Assalamualaikum semua ^^ err...ari ny aku teringin pulak nk update blog. *ttbe mood dtg. haha. hmm...nk ckp pasal ape ek? ha! ckp pasal makann jelah, sempena bulan puase xD. err...dlm bulan puase ny, perut pun mula lah mintak mcm2, kepale pun mulalah terbayang2 makann. haha ;D *perkara biase time bulan puase kan kan kan ? :D actually td saje jelah tgok gmbar makann. bosan lah katakan plus tgh lapar *takde keje kan? =.= aku pun search lah gmbar sushi...aww!! kelihatan sungguh mnyelerakan =.= dah lama tak mkn sushi..bila nmpak tuh rase rindu pulak nk makan! T^T sedih nye~ alangkah bagus nye klu aku dpt mkn sushi sekarang ny T,T sabar jelah~ ha! meh sini aku share gmbar yg aku tgok td tuh. haha ><

anago sushi~ my feveret <3 T^T dah lama tak mkn

ikura gunka maki sushi~ salah satu lg feveret aku..fuhh~ sedap ><

sushi sushi sushi ! byk nye~ sedap ohh! :OO

haha :D lepas tgok gmbar2 sushi ny mesty tergugat iman kan =.= sabar sabar~ tp anago sushi tuh mmg aku suka. sedap kud! daging yg kat atas uh belut. sedap~ haha. so smpai sini jek lah dulu..aku pun dah tak sanggup nk ctew pasal sushi ny lame2 =.= fuhh~


anak tenggiling tidur mati, komen/like-lah kalau baik hati :)

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

hidup tanpa teman

Hidup tanpa teman sememangnya tidak bererti. kehidupan tanpa teman di sekeliling kita bagaikan hidup di alam sendiri. sememangnye kita amat memerlukan teman dalam hidup ini. teman di kala suka dan duka di mana kita berkongsi gelak dan tawa. teman di mana kita berkongsi luahan dan perasaan yg terbuku di hati. tanpa teman kelam lah hidup kita tanpa warna yang akan menghiasi hari2 kita. nilai seorang teman sememangnya tidak dapat di gambar dengan harta mahupun wang ringgit. oleh itu, kita seharusnya menghargai teman2 yang kita ada sekarang, kerana tanpa mereka pasti hidup kita tidak akan sempurna.


membe sekian lama aku :)

fairus elinna
aini asyikin

membe baru aku kat 4IT  :)

adila hani
lily nur fatihah
siti fatimah
farah afiqah
haziq ismail 

p/s: jgn pelik kalau ttbe aku mcm ny, sebab aku mmg mcm ny =_= buad semua kawan2 aku. thx sebab korang hadir dlm kehidupan aku ny :D and of coz lahh aku sayang korang <3 


anak tenggiling tidur mati, komen/like-lah kalau baik hati :)

Monday, 1 August 2011

tajuk? err =.=

haha. tajuk? abaikan je. opss..lupa! Assalamualaikum :) mula2 sekali aku nk bgtwu yg blog ny merupakan blog aku yg baru bcoz blog lama terlupa password lah -.- so korang rajin2 lah follow blog aku ny eah ? ;D lambatkan aku update ? =.= act, ari tuh dah nk update tp malas n tak twu nk tulis ape. but, akhernye dapat juga aku update blog ny. oh ya! nama blog ny pelik kan. cam jiwang pun ade =.= haha. hope korang abaikan. nnt kalau aku rajin aku ubah lah nama blog ny. err..dah alang2 update ny. aku nk ctew panjang sikit lah sementara rajin aku ny maseh ade -.-'' so, korang bace je lah eah? xD

sehari sebelum puasa. so aku ngn membe kuarlah jalan2 kat bandar. haha. tujuan sebenar g bandar ialah nk main game kat km ngn temankan nad beli baju *tp nad nye yg tak dtg sebab kete bapak dy rosak so tak lepas nk balik kluang bcoz dy ade kat jb time tuh. but, takpelah..takde rezeki lah namanya tuh. oh ye lupa pasal game td! kteorg pun main lah hoki ngn kete lnggar2. haha! 3 kali kud aku g main kete lnggar2 tuh xDD syok giler main smpai nk main berkali2. haha. kalau lah duet aku byk mmg aku main lagi kud time tuh *duet aku abis 15 inggit main bende tuh jek. haha =.= lepas tuh kteorg makan lah papa roti *save bajet after 15 inggit melayang main game >< lepak2 jap. snap2 gmbar. cm biase lah ;D tak lupa jugak. kteorg g bumbung km snap gmbar. haha. gmbar yg ntah pape pose pun ade =.= haha. lantak lah. so aku nk share lah sikit *kalau tak lawa tuh abaikan je oke -.-''

 ny ha time kat bumbung km *mata aku sepet sebelah sebab tak tahan ngn cahaya matahari. haha

 kat kedai buku popular. seriuskan muka aku. jgn main2 ngh khusyuk bace buku tuh xD 

jakun jumpe bola =.=err..ape ntah name bola ny. pakcik tuan punye kedai tuh siap ajar aku cm ne nk main twu. haha xD

selamat berpuase kepada semua umat islam di seluruh dunia. hope ramadhan tahun ny lebih bermakna buad kita semua. semoga kita mendapat ketenangn serta hidayah drpd yg Maha Esa. p/s:jgn malas2 nk puase n jgn ponteng puase oke? ;D

wahai tetamu ramadhan yg dirahmati Allah
untukmu rahmat dan maghfirah
air mata taubat, dendangan tadarus, berselimutkan tarawih dan tahajud
moga mewarisi jannah
ramadhan ini yg terbaik 
kerana kita tak pasti adakah ada lagi ramadhan buat kita selepas ini

credit to Kamil Muhammad. p/s:thx sebab send msj ny ;)


anak tenggiling tidur mati, komen/like-lah kalau baik hati :)

i love you

every morning just after waking up
I check my phone and read the sweet message from you
you like the sunshine for me
decorate my days
after that you will call me
your voice makes me eager to continue to live
do you know how meaningful you to me?
Wherever I will remember at you
without you, my life would not be this Cornflakes
you like the color that brighten my life
at every step I have you
My strength comes from you
I would never have forgotten you
therefore, please don't ever say goodbye to me
because I love you
promise me.

anak tenggiling tidur mati, komen/like-lah kalau baik hati :)

The Story Only I Didn't Know

You really forgot everything
When I see your welcoming face
I start to feel a little hurt
Because of a wound that can’t heal itself
My tears won’t flow
Breaking up wasn’t even a big deal
Because our relationship is worthless
There’s no such thing as a clean break
If I knew this, I would’ve cried it all out then
By then you were done with me
A story only I didn’t know
It wasn’t love
It was just time spent next to you
Now I think I know what it feels like to be hurt
Why did you have to be sorry?
Maybe I was too exited
You were anticipating when you could leave
How amusing was it for you?
There’s no such thing as a clean break
If I knew this, I would’ve cried it all out then
By then you were done with me
A story only I didn’t

anak tenggiling tidur mati, komen/like-lah kalau baik hati :)

copyright@Si.y Arts 2010